R’ Adam Rozhnik

R’ Adam Rozhnik is was young Yeshiva student living in Melbourne, Australia.

This was at the time that I was learning in the yeshiva Tomchei Temimim Lubavitch in my city of Melbourne.  As is usual in Chabad yeshivas, the students reside in the yeshiva, and that’s what I did too, even though my parents were living in the city.

I spent the month of Tishrei 5755 (1994) at Beis Moshiach 770.  Even though I didn’t see the Rebbe with my own eyes, his presence was very much felt.  It was possible to feel the love and devotion of the Rebbe to all of his chasidim who came from all ends of the earthto spend the festive month of Tisheri by the head of the Jewish people.

At the end of the month I returned to Australia, and I continued my studies at the yeshiva with greater strength after the uplift I got at Bais Hamelech.

It was the night after Shabbat a short time after I returned from 770.  I went to sleep at my usual time, even though I had certain personal problems that troubled me and give let me rest.

At around 1:30 a.m. I awoke suddenly, and when I opened my eyes I was surprised that there was someone standing by my bed.  Right away I looked at this person to see who it is that came into my room at so late an hour, and I was shocked to see this was none other than the Rebbe himself!

The Rebbe stood  by my bed and said in a clear voice: “Don’t worry, the financial situation of your parents will be okay.”  When he finished speaking he disappeared as fast as he had come.

Getting up the next morning, I called my mother to share with her the special “private audience” I had merited.  When I finished telling her my experience, my mother asked me emotionally what time exactly did this occur.  When I answered that this revelation took place at 1:30 a.m., she told me excitedly that at exactly that time she was speaking with my father about the state of his business!

Since that time, his parents have lived tranquilly, with trust that there is someone who helps them with their problems, and today they live comfortably.

From “Miracles” #19.

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